Educated Sinkies Becoming Car Washers
In the past, the govt kept saying we need to import foreigners to do jobs Singaporeans don't want to do; especially in FB, construction, retail, cleaners and menial jobs. I remember Senior Minister Iswaran once snubbed Mr LTK saying he did not want foreign workers to clean his estate or build houses. Using this reason, millions...
Coming Presidential Election is a failure at all levels
It feels like the next Presidential Election is a failure at all levels. The government have given their reasons for reserving this next election for the Malays, following changes to the Constitution to ensure the highest office of the land reflects Singapore's multiracial society. While the government sees this as a way to...
Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan is just suay or what?
I don't know if our dear Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan is just suay or what, but just after he congratulated circle line for not having any problem for 250 days, it experienced a signalling fault yesterday. Sometimes we ask how come MRT so many problem he nv speak up? But maybe it's good that he's quiet? Otherwise once he...
- PAP mandate strong on China’s 1/4 million students rode 50km to another city for breakfast
- Dedicated team of people on The fate of Singapore
- China Good on Trump: Raging against The Machine
- China Good on China’s 1/4 million students rode 50km to another city for breakfast
- Singaporeans R Free Riders on The fate of Singapore