Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category
So many holes in the statements in Parliament? (Part 2)

So many holes in the statements in Parliament? (Part 2)

I refer to the article “Oxley Road: Full transcript of ministerial statement by DPM Teo Chee Hean” (Straits Times, Jul 3). It states that “The Ministerial Committee wrote to all Mr Lee’s children on 27 July 2016, shortly after the Committee was formed, to invite them to share with the Committee, any views they would... 

PAP in all sorts of trouble due to bad karma?

PAP in all sorts of trouble due to bad karma?

Felt yesterdays lacklustre Parliament sitting was at most "business as usual" and merely "going through the motions" except for MPs Pritam Singh and Leon Perera who voiced the views of silent majority's! What was also especially disappointing, is Potong Pasir's past "gotong royong" spirit of transparency and accountability which... 

FamiLEE saga: Why not disclose all the communications of the ministerial committee?

FamiLEE saga: Why not disclose all the communications of the ministerial committee?

I refer to the article “DPM takes Hsien Yang to task over ‘selective, inaccurate’ post” (Today, Jul 3). It states that “Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s latest statement was a “selective and inaccurate account” of his exchanges with the 38 Oxley Road ministerial committee, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean’s press secretary... 

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