Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category
Is the sports hub a while elephant?

Is the sports hub a while elephant?

The Singapore government and the Singapore Sports Council have done it again. Spending millions of $$$ to build a magnificent concrete structure, which ends underused and relegated to becoming a great white elephant soon to be forgotten. At first, there were the nagging problems, with a sandy pitch and leaking roofs. Now, we... 

Is Amos Yee suffering from narcissistic personality disorder?

Is Amos Yee suffering from narcissistic personality disorder?

This boy is every parent's worst nightmare! Seriously!! For such an intelligent young man, he is really making a mockery of himself and an embarrassment to his family. Why can't he channel his time, energy and creativity to good use instead of annoying the public to no end? I am saddened when I read that people blame his parents... 

The paradox of the PAP

The paradox of the PAP

There is an unseen & almost silent brain drain of capable middle-class people – those with either the entrepreneurship, vocational skills or significant capital emigrating to Western economies replete with social programs & welfare systems – because they can. They are not there for the welfarism but simply, because... 

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