Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category
重读“自古庸才尚浮夸” – ②

重读“自古庸才尚浮夸” – ②

披着羊皮的狼外婆: 对新加坡现政府不满者,说现政权独裁,侵犯人权,压制言论自由。。。这样大声呐喊的人,应该是非常开明民主,十分通情达理的,对吗? 但请看看贴文一开头就引用的苏格拉底的传闻:有人要向苏格拉底学演讲术,因此向苏格拉底说了许多话。这惹恼了苏格拉底,因此要向他收取多一倍的学费,并要他闭嘴! 现在问题是那个人到底向苏格拉底说了些什麽?是不是说得比苏格拉底好而让苏格拉底感受到威胁,所以要他闭嘴? 活要见人,死要见尸。那人到底说了些什麽才使他受罚?这一点不弄清楚,那个人就是死得不明不白,这一点也不民主,那里有人权?根本就不公平! 要公正,要民主,要人权。。。但在论述一开始时就用了一个踩踏民主,没有人权,行事专横的苏格拉底的传闻来做领头羊,真是名不正,言不顺! 仔细的分析,这贴文作者和他所代表的理念,是比现政府更不民主十倍,更独裁十倍,更专横十倍,更会压制人权的人/势力/组织! 披着羊皮的狼外婆,好可怕! VS North... 

Why do we need an entire table-tennis team of FTs?

Why do we need an entire table-tennis team of FTs?

I join Singaporeans in saluting all our athletes, and I thank The Straits Times for its great coverage of the events, and for honouring the medallists on two full pages yesterday ("A salute to our medallists"). We should not forget those who may not have won any medals but nevertheless fought with pride and honour. However,... 

Reactions on grassroots man let off with ‘stern warning’

Reactions on grassroots man let off with ‘stern warning’

包青天: June 18, 2015 at 5:30 pm (Quote) I suggest that the police make it a standard protocol together with the stern warning that the offender must publish in the major newspapers here a letter of apology to the offended party. As it is , the current solution of a “stern warning” is rubbish, the offender can just throw... 

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