The great Singaporean dilemma?
In many hearts, there might be an unresolved struggle. The struggle to come to terms with their country, themselves and their present rulers. What position should they take? What is best for themselves and Singapore? Who to believe? Which direction should the nation take going forward? Both narratives at either end of the political...
How stupid is the PAP government?
Singapore's brain drain (人才流失), because of the replacement of Singaporean talent with cheaper FTs, can only make Singapore businessmen lose out. My example took place in China where I worked in Shenzhen in 2004. My office tendered for a project, competing with many companies including a Singapore top 10 architect company....
CDAC scheme for low-wage earners a disappointment
Hi TRE, (Click to enlarge) My friend recently visited CDAC seeking to get help for funding for courses to improve his skills. So, he is afraid to reveal his identity as it can be tracked who he is due to his recent visit. Kindly take this email as a complaint or experience sharing about CDAC funding scheme so that more can benefit...
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