Be a real supporter of change
Many people are unhappy with the conditions in Singapore - high cost of living, insecurity of job, depleting value of HDB flats, delay in payout of CPF savings and other issues. They like to see people come forward to stand for election and provide an alternative to the PAP in Parliament. They claim to support these alternative...
Undergraduate Monica Baey’s plight
Ms Monica Baey Dear National University of Singapore 3 days ago, I came across Monica Baey’s plight. As a student of your institution, she was not given the justice she deserved. What she had to do instead, was publicly announce and relive her traumatic experience in the hopes that the scales of justice would balance again. What...
Who are the victims of the NUS peeping tom incident?
Ms Monica Baey I want to make a statement that will appear to be controversial. Most people think that Monica Baey is still the victim today. Yes, she was the victim of the NUS peeking tom incident but that occurred some time ago. She had complained to the NUS and she or NUS made a police report. The police decided to give the...
- Fake Singaporean on Top wishes for 2025?
- Asset Enhancement MBTan on Public Housing HDB
- Pee And Poop on Integrate
- PAP mandate strong on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet
- New York,New York! on Don’t get distracted by Trump’s outlandish Cabinet picks