Do we need PAP MPs who speak up for low-quality foreign ‘talents’?
When you support a MP who spoke up for foreigners who are not a permanent part of the country without noticing how her ideas will increase competitive pressures on our local parents and children who had found it hard to secure a place in some schools, so do you call it "betrayal" or "lack of due care for the locals that she...
Jobs: 2003 (locals 5,500, foreigners -27,900) – 2015 (locals 700, foreigners 31,600)?
I refer to the article “Total employment growth last year slowest since 2003: MOM” (Channel NewsAsia, Mar 15). It states that “Total employment growth in Singapore grew by 0.9 per cent last year, making it the slowest growth since 2003 when it was -0.6 per cent, according to the latest statistics by the Manpower Ministry...
Taxpayers should not bear the cost of PAP MP’s infidelity
It was revealed last week that MP (Member of Parliament) for Bukit Batok, Mr David Ong, resigned from his elected position because of his indiscretion in having an extra-marital affair with his Women’s Wing grassroots leader. It would be more understandable if Mr Ong resigned because of health reasons or reasons of mental...
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?
- Very Good Idea on The ugly truth about buying a property in Malaysia
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- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Outbreak of mystery virus in China
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed