How private and secure is TR Emeritus?
Dear Tech at TR Emeritus I used hacker OS to access TRE simulating access from other than Singapore IP address but was instantly blocked. Is TRE website secured against hacking by the PAP brigade? Will our participation be detected by the PAP brigade or their intelligent agencies? How secured is the TRE? Alex Ong Tech's note:...
33 Failings of Lee Hsien Loong
CSM may not be brilliant but at least he is not stupid, incompetent and corrupt like LHL. Below is LHL’s track record. (1) low productivity of Singapore economy (2) low birth rate which started from LKY’s “Stop at 2” policy (3) depressed local wages (4) failing to plan for the many foreigners it allowed into Singapore (5)...
LKY’s views becoming irrelevant to S’poreans
I refer to Yahoo article “Workers’ Party’s Chen Show Mao not so brilliant: Lee Kuan Yew”. [ link ] Of late, press coverage in the mainstream media has given free publicity to ex MM Lee Kuan Yew’s latest book, “One Man’s View of the World”. Readers should take his comments with a pinch of salt because they are...
- PAP mandate strong on Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed
- Final Verdict on Outbreak of mystery virus in China
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?
- Fake fake on Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed
- Relax on Top wishes for 2025?