Archive for the ‘Announcement’ Category
How GE 2011 proved me—oh, so wonderfully!—wrong

How GE 2011 proved me—oh, so wonderfully!—wrong

For 17 years, since 1994, I had been writing commentaries on various issues in the Singapore political scene. Whether these were long-standing problems such as the emotional divide between the PAP leadership and the people, or specific issues such as the controversial increase in ministerial salaries, the articles invariably... 

Cheer up! Oppositions did not do too badly for GE 2011

Cheer up! Oppositions did not do too badly for GE 2011

GE 2011 is over. Results are out. And we see opposition supporters vending their anger all over the Net, cursing that the results should have been better. Some even advocated that it's time to emigrate. In all honesty, I didn't think the results were that bad. Certainly, after many years of stranglehold governing by PAP, the... 

新加坡执政党三分二优势 岌岌可危

新加坡执政党三分二优势 岌岌可危

新加坡2011年大选落幕了,选举的结果还是一党独大!人民行动党还是牢牢地控制的集选区GRC,但是唯一可以肯定的是,有6个集选区的多数票减少至60%以下在58-54%之间。 这是可怕的局面, 在野党只要争取多几巴仙游离选票,这6个集选区就易手了!而3个局选区碧山—大巴窑、东海岸及马林百列最危险,单选举则是如切、波东巴西及榜鹅东。 参考以下数据分析: 人民行动党应该绝对害怕,因为三个集选区及三个单选区的多数票很单薄!随时会被在野党夺取。这议席总数为15+3,假设加上阿俗尼及后港的6席,总共24席,在野党离开否决2/3优势的人民行动党政府的29席不远矣! 新加坡在野党的选票增幅,远远超越了人民行动党在2010年取得的14%GDP,也就是说新加坡人民,不再只是要求经济上的强盛,而是社会公益,民生课题的关注,贫富不均的课题及不要一言堂的国会! 过去新加坡人对政治的“性冷谈”,已经变成“性高潮”!  . Susuteh奶茶  Read More →

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