Archive for the ‘Events’ Category
NCMP Yee Jenn Yong’s rally speech @ Hougang (22 May 2012)

NCMP Yee Jenn Yong’s rally speech @ Hougang (22 May 2012)

各位亲爱的朋友,各位工人党的支持者,大家晚上好! 在我还未加入工人党之前,我已对人民行动党向选民进行威逼利诱,迫使他们放弃反对党的行为感到气愤。在2006年大选期间,我曾在海峡时报发表文章,斥责人民行动党通过组屋翻新的计划,动用国家资源,以完成他们的政治目的。文章发表后,马宝山部长也曾给我答复.... 

Yee Jenn Jong’s speech at Hougang by-election rally – Foreign scholarship issue

Yee Jenn Jong’s speech at Hougang by-election rally – Foreign scholarship issue

19 May 2012 各位亲爱的后港选民,各位亲爱的朋友,大家晚上好。 在去年的大选中,您已用选票表示了对反对党的强烈支持。您的选择,您强烈的支持,预示着新加坡已经走上了政治改革的道路,预示着新加坡渴望在他的政治体制中,有能够替代人民行动党的选择。我有信心,您将会再一次作出心中的选择,再一次用实际行动告诉人民行动党,政治改革的潮流是不可阻挡的。在这次的补选里,在未来的大选中,反对党的发展和进步,不会停止! 各位亲爱的后港选民们,各位亲爱的朋友们,大家晚上好。... 

SPP NCMP: Together let us call for a comprehensive review of transport system

SPP NCMP: Together let us call for a comprehensive review of transport system

Public transport has been the hallmark of Singapore’s success in the eyes of the government. They have always claimed that it is priced reasonably, is highly efficient, and has brought much convenience to Singaporeans. Singaporeans have now woken up to know that last night’s catastrophic MRT train failure has shown this... 

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