几乎每一晚我都睡得很甜,但昨晚彻夜难眠。今早起身后,怀着内疚的心写了一封道歉信,真诚地向所有在二战期间为保家卫国壮烈牺牲和幸存的抗日英雄们、成千上万枉死的冤魂和饱受迫害煎熬的老百姓致以万二分的歉意。 信中说因人微言轻,抗议无效,无法劝阻当局把日本侵占岛国时取的名称,堂皇冠冕地树立在新加坡沦陷展览馆前,并通过各媒体广为宣传,让天下人耻笑我们的沦陷时期展览馆,是以战犯沾沾自喜的名称命名。让那原本已被历史风沙深埋地层,永不超生的罪恶名称,在幽美的山坡上借尸还魂,得意地飞扬. 要提醒国人记取这段黑暗悲惨的历史有许多方式,展览馆冠以日本蝗军为岛国取的名称最令人无法接受,因为这不但扭曲了历史,把反面教材当正面传扬,还严重污蔑了受苦受难者。只要保留这个令抗日英雄怒发冲冠和数十万战争难民咬牙切齿的称号,所有形式化的祭奠和悼念仪式都显得苍白与荒谬。我为愧对诸位先烈与冤魂而内疚不已。 每回提到这个称号,就听见战犯的狞笑声。我无意逃避史实,而是以提到这个惨绝人寰的罪恶名称为耻。希望大家避免有意或无意提到这个称号,不要为这个沾满血腥的称号宣传,不要让这个令人痛心疾首的称号死灰复燃,开始在人们的口里和各种媒体中活了起来。这是一个小市民对发动残酷战争,滥杀无辜的侵略者所能喊出最大声量的无言抗议。 *...
PAP TCs to increase S&CC: Cut down on your wastage first!
It was announced yesterday (17 Feb) that all 15 PAP town councils will be increasing their service and conservancy charges (S&CC) starting in 4 months' time. Note that the increase will come in 2 phases: one in Jun this year and another in Jun next year. Also note that the S&CC of all the market and cooked food stalls...
Not true that Yishun is full of weird people or crime
Lee Bee Wah (Photo: CNA) The Straits Times asked me about the perception that Yishun is full of weird people or crime. I told them that it's not true at all. People are cherry-picking incidents to fit the myth, including some that were not in Yishun or done by Yishunites, but victimised innocent Yishunites. The people who are...
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