Archive for the ‘Media’ Category
SDP’s Answer to the HDB 99-year Lease Calamity

SDP’s Answer to the HDB 99-year Lease Calamity

Following the successful launch of our cost of living policy, the SDP will be presenting our housing policy where we will directly address the grave concerns Singaporeans have about the 99-year lease of their HDB flats. The admission by National Development Minister Lawrence Wong that HDB flats will decrease in value until... 

Local groups call for greater freedom of expression in light of charges against Jolovan Wham

Local groups call for greater freedom of expression in light of charges against Jolovan Wham

We are a group of citizens who are deeply troubled by the mounting charges that social worker and human rights advocate Jolovan Wham faces in Singapore courts. In 2017, six local NGOs issued statements immediately after charges of illegal assembly, vandalism and refusing to sign police statements were brought against Jolovan.... 

FLD: Leong Sze Hian faces defamation case

FLD: Leong Sze Hian faces defamation case

Blogger and human rights defender Leong Sze Hian is facing defamation proceedings brought against him by the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong. The court action was brought on the basis that Leong Sze Hian posted on a Facebook an article published by a Malaysian media outlet. Leong Sze Hian is a prominent blogger... 

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