Archive for the ‘Media’ Category
WP: Would Temasek’s buyout of SMRT reduce financial and operational transparency?

WP: Would Temasek’s buyout of SMRT reduce financial and operational transparency?

 The Workers’ Party views the new rail financing framework for SMRT as a step in the right direction. It is a long overdue corrective to a major policy mistake. This move corrects the mistaken course taken by the government in the year 2000 when MRT operations were privatised, which created a tension between the private company’s... 



新加坡交通部長許文遠星期二(7月12日) 在碧山地鐵車廠召開簡報會,回應26輛地鐵列車出現裂紋並送回中國更換的事件。他指出,當局應是考慮到已證實裂紋不涉及安全問題,也不會影響列車的運作趟次,因此認為毋須驚動公眾. 這是《傳真社》調查報道揭露事件後八天新加坡最高層官員出面解釋。但根據新加坡媒體的報道,許文遠在這個場合發表失實言論攻擊最先揭發事件的《傳真社》... 

SDP Calls for COI on Lift Mishaps in light of latest E M Services Investigation

SDP Calls for COI on Lift Mishaps in light of latest E M Services Investigation

It has transpired that a few companies are being investigated for refusing to supply spare parts to lift repair and maintenance contractors because of anti-competitor practices. One of these companies is E M Services, a property-management company that manages nine PAP-run Town Councils. E M Services is also a lift supplier... 

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