Archive for the ‘Events’ Category
Heng Thinking of 10M Population; SDP Says No, Offers Alternative Immigration Plan

Heng Thinking of 10M Population; SDP Says No, Offers Alternative Immigration Plan

With headlines like 'PMETs make up rising share of retrenched locals' (Straits Times, 15 March 2019) and 'PMETs take longer to find work' (Business Times, 29 November 2018), it is no wonder that Singaporeans are feeling angry with the current immigration policy. To make matters worse, PM-in-waiting Heng Swee Keat has signaled... 

SDP to Launch Alternative Plan That Will Make Healthcare Truly Affordable for the People

SDP to Launch Alternative Plan That Will Make Healthcare Truly Affordable for the People

Shortly after the SDP pushed the idea of universal coverage of our healthcare system, the PAP government adopted the idea – or at least the rhetoric. For instance, we said in 2012 that “healthcare reform must spring from and be underpinned by this fundamental principle of universal, affordable coverage.” In 2015, under... 

Statement of Concern Regarding Sexual Harassment at the National University of Singapore

Statement of Concern Regarding Sexual Harassment at the National University of Singapore

Dear President Prof Tan Eng Chye, Senior Deputy President and Provost Prof Ho Teck Hua, Vice Provost (Student Life) Prof Florence Ling, Dean OSA Assoc Prof Peter Pang, Vice Dean OSA Assoc Prof Vivian Ng and Assistant Dean OSA Dr Chen Zhi Xiong, We are a group of 489 students from the National University of Singapore (NUS) who... 

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