The most lucrative part time job
Anyone looking for a part time job will be resigned to the fact that it comes with no job security and a paltry allowance. But this is not true in the uniquely Singapore context. The part time job of a Member of Parliament comes not only with job security for 4 years, could be a life time, and with a handsome allowance which...
Christopher de Souza: PAP MPs do not lack bite
Christopher de Souza As a young Member of Parliament from Singapore's long-ruling People's Action Party (PAP) holding no official government portfolio, Christopher de Souza has perhaps more reason than his peers to prove his relevance as a legislator. In response to critics who say that PAP MPs are not vocal enough, the 35-year-old...
Filipinos’ responses in article “106,600 PMET jobs for Filipinos”
These 2 messages were posted in the thread "106,600 PMET jobs for Filipinos" [TR Link], in response to the many accusations by Singaporean TR readers: proud_pinoy: you singaporeans call other people, from different race but still human beings, “worms, stupid, lowlife, beggars, etc”. if that’s how you treat other people,...
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- Bad Trumpet on Don’t get distracted by Trump’s outlandish Cabinet picks
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