Covid-19 is surging in Ireland where 99.7 percent are Fully Vaccinated…
Waterford, once the crown jewel of Ireland’s Vaccination program, now has the highest rate of infection in the country. For the first time since March, the number of patients in hospital with Covid in Ireland is over 400. This in a country where 92% of adults have been Vaccinated against the CCP Virus. It’s worse for County...
“打不过,就逃!”,精辟又实用! 王乙康 (Ong Ye Kung)在2020年12月22日上八视界的狮城有约时展現他对金典著作的解读才华。 王乙康认为自己读这么多书,让他印象最深刻,最精辟又实用的是金庸《射雕英雄传》里郭靖的师父嘱咐他的一句话:“打不过,就逃!”。这让我想起王乙康在当教育部长时,成绩是遊走边緣,在当交通部长时,就地铁故障连连,现任卫生部长时病例更藕断絲连! 时任交通部长的王乙康说自己热衷于阅读充满热情和侠义精神的武侠小说,而他在《倚天屠龙记》中最喜欢的人物莫过于金毛狮王。因为自己被人冤枉,最后还跑到小岛独自生活,王部长认为他的遭遇相当可怜。不晓的王部长是在照示什么? 王乙康说自己和金毛狮王非常有共鳴!他是非常普通的一个人,虽然武功很高,(也許是指自己当了教育部长、交通部长,現在的卫生部长)又拿到了屠龙刀,(不排除百姓的生命是由他超纵)但是他也是非常普通的一个父亲、一个丈夫,后来又成为一个普通的义父,就很爱家人、很爱他的义子。”...
Data shows 80% of Covid deaths are among the vaccinated – an increase of 3000% after vaccination
A deadly combination of science fraud, institutional coercion, bribery, Big Tech censorship, government force and media propaganda are bringing the world to its knees. There is NO real-world data showing that covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Right now, hospital data from the United Kingdom is...
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