Archive for the ‘Others’ Category
President Mubarak refuses to step down immediately despite international calls

President Mubarak refuses to step down immediately despite international calls

Egyptian authorities have refused to heed international calls for a faster transition of power as anti-government protests continue for the ninth consecutive day. Criticizing foreign parties for interfering in Egypt's internal affairs, the Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman said on Wednesday that such calls aim at worsening... 

Egypt Today, Saudi Arabia Tomorrow?

Egypt Today, Saudi Arabia Tomorrow?

Recipe for a revolution: Start with 80 million people, almost 30% of them illiterate Pack them into narrow corridors of arable land along the Nile and the Suez more densely than in Bangladesh or the Netherlands Double the population of 15-to-24 year-olds during the 30-year reign of a brutal dictator Turn growing numbers of... 

Yemen’s president says he won’t seek re-election or hand power to son

Yemen’s president says he won’t seek re-election or hand power to son

Ali Abdullah Saleh Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Wednesday he will not be seeking re-election nor hand over power to his son once his current term ends in 2013, CNN reported. "No extension, no inheritance,” he told parliament. Saleh had called an emergency parliamentary meeting, ahead of a “day of rage”... 

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