Archive for the ‘World’ Category
America bombed the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital

America bombed the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital

In this video, I present to you my analysis about the bombing of Al Ahli Hospital. After careful research and evidence, l've summarised my findings which I believe unequivocally challenge their denial. Even when the world seems to follow a certain narrative, it's essential to remember the immense power that comes with analvtica... 



虽然全球已经摆脱新冠大流行恢复了正常生活,但这种病毒仍在持续进化中。 8月9日,世界卫生组织将新冠病毒变种EG.5升级为“需要留意”的毒株。此举表明这个权威卫生机构认为应该对EG.5进行进一步跟踪和研究。 EG.5来自奥密克戎家族,是XBB.1.9.2的亚变种。不过,EG.5也在不断进化,目前已经有了自己的分支EG.5.1。 美国媒体表示,新冠病毒变异株EG.5在美快速流行,新型冠状病毒感染病例激增。法国卫生部门也注意到,与新冠感染有关的住院人数最近有所增加,EG.5毒株的变种在法国新增病例中占多数。 EG.5引发美国住院数飙升 据美国疾病控制与预防中心最新估计,新冠病毒奥密克戎亚变体EG.5成为美国最主要的毒株。在全国范围内,EG.5约占该国新病例的17%,而另一个最常见的毒株XBB.1.16占病例的16% Click... 

At least 1 billion dead or disabled from the mRNA vaccines world-wide

At least 1 billion dead or disabled from the mRNA vaccines world-wide

Dr. Betsy Eads Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning for more than a year about extreme disease and death coming because of the CV19 bioweapon/vax.  Dr. Eads has been punished by the medical community for being a CV19 vax truth warrior.  Everything she predicted has happened, and it is guaranteed to get worse—much worse.  Using fresh... 

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