Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category
No updates on YOG mass food poisoning scandal

No updates on YOG mass food poisoning scandal

It has been more than two weeks and there is still no updates so far from the authorities on the mass food poisoning outbreak involving 26 YOG volunteers which had sullied the squeaky clean image of Singapore. Above: "Dog" food given to YOG volunteers On 15 August 2010, 26 YOG volunteers from two different venues came down... 

Netizen emailed authorities to request for explanation of arrest of YOG critic Abdul Malik

Netizen emailed authorities to request for explanation of arrest of YOG critic Abdul Malik

A netizen Kojaktbt has emailed several PAP ministers and government agencies to request for an explanation of the arrest of YOG critic Mr Abdul Malik for a comment posted on Facebook. Mr Malik, an alumnus of Singapore's top secondary school Raffles Institution, had posted a comment on his Facebook taking Dr Vivian to task for... 

YOG volunteers are the real unsung heros of the Games

YOG volunteers are the real unsung heros of the Games

As the protracted Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) finally draws to a close, Singapore leaders and International Olympic Committee (IOC) officials are busy indulging in self-praise and mutual back-patting to justify its exorbitant price tag. IOC President Mr Jacques Rogge described the inaugural YOG as a "perfection"... 

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