Archive for the ‘Editorial’ Category
The Tan Yong Soon cooking fiasco: what lessons it hold for both the government and blogosphere

The Tan Yong Soon cooking fiasco: what lessons it hold for both the government and blogosphere

By Fang Zhi Yuan, Senior writer It was supposedly an innocuous travelogue about his family holiday in Paris, France. When Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources Mr Tan Yong Soon accepted the Straits Times' invitation to write about his experiences at the prestigious french cooking school, 'Le... 

“Decisive” budget does not address long-term inadequacies in the corporatist model

“Decisive” budget does not address long-term inadequacies in the corporatist model

By Eugene Yeo and Jeremy Koh PRIME Minister Lee Hsien Loong has described the $20.5 billion Resilience Package as a 'very decisive Budget' that aims to help see Singaporeans through the difficult economic times ahead. Much has been said about the Budget lately with most PAP ministers and MPs, labor union leaders, employers and... 

Let us mindful of the potential pitfalls ahead while being grateful for what we have

Let us mindful of the potential pitfalls ahead while being grateful for what we have

By Fang Zhi Yuan, Senior writer I am heartened by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's  call for families to draw closer together during these hard times. For far too long, we have been so pre-occupied with the rat race that we have neglected our families and friends. (Read Prime Minister's speech here) In order for us to spend... 

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