Archive for the ‘Editorial’ Category
Sounding the death knell for ‘civil disobedience’ in Singapore

Sounding the death knell for ‘civil disobedience’ in Singapore

By Fang Zhi Yuan, Senior writer In an extensive interview given to The Straits Times last Saturday, Home Affairs Minister Mr Wong Kan Seng revealed that his ministry is currently reviewing public order laws to give the police greater powers to enforce them. (read the full article here). According to Mr Wong, Singapore's security... 

State media in overdrive damage control mode to rehabilitate Tan Yong Soon

State media in overdrive damage control mode to rehabilitate Tan Yong Soon

By Eugene Yeo The Straits Times/PAP Forum has sunk to a new low with the publication of SIX letters  (yes, your eyes are not playing tricks on you - SIX) ALL defending Tan Yong Soon and slamming netizens for being "small minded". (read them here) This is IMPOSSIBLE to believe. Straits Times didn't even bother to put up the... 

Perm sec’s article showed lack of sensitivity, says Teo

Perm sec’s article showed lack of sensitivity, says Teo

MINISTER TEO Chee Hean has criticised a permanent secretary for writing about attending a cooking course in Paris, amid gloomy economic times at home. The newspaper article was ‘ill-judged’ and showed a ‘lack of sensitivity’, said Mr Teo, the Minister in charge of the Civil Service, yesterday. A five-week basic cuisine... 

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