Archive for the ‘Editorial’ Category
Dwindling crowd at minibond rally as Tan Kin Lian proceed with legal action suit against the banks

Dwindling crowd at minibond rally as Tan Kin Lian proceed with legal action suit against the banks

By Eugene Yeo, Senior writer, reporting on site from Hong Lim Park, 6.30pm It has been nearly a month since Mr Tan Kin Lian last launched a "full-fledge" rally at Hong Lim Park. His speech at Hong Lim Park last week was held in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights while the rally the week... 

Life transformer: Former drug addict gets new lease of life

Life transformer: Former drug addict gets new lease of life

Prologue: Mr Yang was involved in a road traffic accident in 1987 which caused his right arm to be amputated. He used to work as a subcontractor before the accident after which he lost almost everything. After he was discharged from hospital, he became despondent at his situation and turned to drugs. For the next decade, he... 

More photos of minibond rally, 6 Dec 2008

More photos of minibond rally, 6 Dec 2008

Photos by Eugene Yeo Singaporeans braved the rain to listen to Mr Tan's speech     Do the Ah Peks and Ah Sohs present know what is "human rights" ?   Investors taking a copy of the UN Declaration of Human Rights   Mr Tan being mobbed by his fans before his speech   Last week, it was Steve Chia. Today it is Siew Kum... 

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