Featured Articles

Supporting Chee Soon Juan's caféSupporting Chee Soon Juan's café I refer to The Independent Singapore’s news, “Singaporeans urged to support Chee Soon Juan's café despite their political preferences” (July 16). The underlying objective of doing any business is to ensure it is viable and profitable. Otherwise, there is no point of undertaking risk for it. It is natural for...

Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries? I refer to The TR-Emeritus opinion article, “Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries” (June 14) by Mr Yoong Siew Wah. It has always been a controversial topic which concerns about our top political leaders who receive their salaries that are many times higher than those foreign political leaders. Our...

Steering with stability in transition timesSteering with stability in transition times I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial, “Steering with stability in transition times” (May 16). Let us analyze and interpret this specific subject from a broad perspective, how Singapore should respond and adapt to the evolution of the entire international situation and formulate its foreign policy that is extremely...

We will lead in our own wayWe will lead in our own way I read with interest The Today’s report, “'We will lead in our own way': : Lawrence Wong takes office as 4th prime minister of Singapore” (May 15). We can get some inspiration or enlightenment from the story of the 108 heroes in Water Margin: they originally had their own abilities, aspirations and ambitions. They...

Chinese villagers living on cliffsChinese villagers living on cliffs In the Liangshan Mountains of Sichuan Province in China, there is a small isolated village on a cliff 1,400 meters above sea level. This is the village of Atuler, known as the Cliff Village with 72 families who has been living there for almost 200 years. All travel is by a ladder that leads to the sky at almost right...

Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the westUkraine will cease to exist thanks to the west Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles. From 1991 until 1998, Mr. Ritter served as a Chief Inspector...

Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride priceBride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price Contrary to popular beliefs, many couples in China are unable to afford to get married. With the exception of rural villages, those in the cities mostly asked for hundreds of thousands in bride price (聘礼/彩礼). According to our techie who has been in China for over a decade, the bride price may include monies intended...

Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian workers looking to moveHigher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian... I refer to the Independent Singapore’s Featured News SG Economy, “Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian workers looking to move” (Feb 22). In this era of rapid technological advancement, all countries are faced with the dilemma of being hungry for talent. Therefore, top talents in respective...

Where Romance Meets FinanceWhere Romance Meets Finance Sugarbook was launched by Darren Chan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is a luxury dating website designed to resolve financial issues through emotional support. It provides a platform to grow your relationships through mutual benefits that are not restricted to mentorship, companionship, wealth and emotional support. It...

Marriage, children and practical concernsMarriage, children and practical concerns A couple bows before their parents and offers them tea, as is traditional in Chinese weddings. I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial “Marriage, children and practical concerns” (Feb 5). Since the history of human civilisation, the formation of individual family and the issue of procreation have become two...

Not in my backyardNot in my backyard I refer to the TODAY’s Commentary, “'Not in my backyard' — when some groups can protest more loudly, the most vulnerable ones suffer” (Jan 25, 2024). A few good points from the article are worth to be probed further and discussed. In December 2023, the announcement of plans by The National Environment Agency...

Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presenceOpposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presence I refer to The Independent Singapore’s SG Politics column, “Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presence” (Nov 29, 2023). As we know, Singapore political scene has been firmly dominated by the PAP since 1959. Thus, the opposition parties in Singapore have to face and withstand many challenges ahead...

Educating the next generationEducating the next generation I read with interest the Straits Times’ Editorial, “Educating the next generation” (Jan 5, 2024). Any form of spontaneous learning should provide you with a happy, positive, and memorable experience. However, only a small number of children are in exception. Therefore, based on this, parents should realize the...

GST increase in 2024GST increase in 2024 On 1 Jan 2024 GST rises 1% from 8% to 9%; this is a 12.5% increase in GST. I am not convinced that this is necessary. It will contribute to inflation, and cause economic hardship. The handouts to mitigate this are temporary and the increase is permanent. In 2015, when the possibility of GST rising was an election issue...

Race relations in SingaporeRace relations in Singapore I refer to the Today’s “Commentary: In 1954, David Marshall spoke about race relations in Singapore. Have we made real progress since then?” (Dec 15). For any country to be prosperous and powerful, it must first achieve political and social stability, and its people must live in harmony and be united. Only in this...

Due to the nature of the news and contents appearing on TR Emeritus, we are rating the website for 'above 18' only.
Rare typhoon-like storm hits Singapore

Rare typhoon-like storm hits Singapore

Strong winds that people called a mini typhoon hit Singapore on Tuesday evening, September 17, toppling...
Super typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu...

Super typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu...

After hitting Shanghai on Monday (17th Sept), Typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu province....
Why storms and typhoons are wrecking havoc in Asia...

Why storms and typhoons are wrecking havoc in Asia...

Typhoon Bebinca has made landfall in China on Monday (16th Sept). Shanghai has been slammed by the city's...
Super typhoon Bebinca wreaks havoc In Shanghai

Super typhoon Bebinca wreaks havoc In Shanghai

The mega city of Shanghai was brought to a standstill on Monday (16th Sept) as residents at home had...
Severe flooding wrecks havoc in Europe

Severe flooding wrecks havoc in Europe

Severe flooding continues to wreak havoc across central and eastern Europe, following days of torrential...
Iran poised to launch mega-retaliation against Israel

Iran poised to launch mega-retaliation against Israel

Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, a high-ranking IRGC commander, has announced that Iran will soon...
Super typhoon Yagi batters Hainan island in China

Super typhoon Yagi batters Hainan island in China

Heavy rains and strong winds swept through Hainan province Friday as a powerful typhoon, dubbed Yagi,...
Putin visits Mongolia despite ICC arrest warrant

Putin visits Mongolia despite ICC arrest warrant

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Mongolia for a visit, despite the risk of arrest under...
Axis of Resistance vows to escalate attacks on Israel...

Axis of Resistance vows to escalate attacks on Israel...

The Axis of Resistance groups in Iraq have escalated their threats against Israel and the US. They have...
Russia pounds Ukraine for the second consecutive day

Russia pounds Ukraine for the second consecutive day

In one of the biggest air attacks launched by Russia, hundreds of missiles and drones were launched targeting...
Russia pounds Ukraine in retaliation for invasion of...

Russia pounds Ukraine in retaliation for invasion of...

Russia unleashed a massive missile and drone assault on NATO-backed Ukraine amid rising tensions over...
Houthis ready to strike Israel

Houthis ready to strike Israel

Houthi-installed defence minister in Yemen has warned that his forces are ready to strike Israel. Major...
Israel imposes restriction on media to hide damages...

Israel imposes restriction on media to hide damages...

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is set to present proof or videos of attacks near Tel Aviv. Israeli...
Hezbollah hints at 'full response' after major rocket...

Hezbollah hints at 'full response' after major rocket...

The Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones towards Israel on...
How strong is Singapore's fighter jets?

How strong is Singapore's fighter jets?

Singapore's fighter jets are supposedly the most advanced force in the entire Southeast Asian region. What...
Major escalation fears as Hezbollah pounds Israel with...

Major escalation fears as Hezbollah pounds Israel with...

Hezbollah and Israel both have announced large-scale military operations against each other. Israel is...
WHO Declares Global Health Emergency

WHO Declares Global Health Emergency

Covid Done, New Virus Emerges: 100s Killed, WHO Declares Global Health Emergency. The World Health...
Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to step down

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to step down

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was seen as a safe pair of hands when his party installed him three...
A random thought on the comedy of error

A random thought on the comedy of error

The comedy of error that is circling around in Singapore although mind-boggling but amuses Singaporeans...
The Great America, No More

The Great America, No More

America was propagated as the Great Nation in the last century when I was born, even though the world...
A glimpse of the obscurantism of Singapore society

A glimpse of the obscurantism of Singapore society

This is not an attempt at self-exaltation but to give a glimpse of the obscurantism of the Singapore...
Excess Deaths in Singapore

Excess Deaths in Singapore

I applaud ST journalist's effort in pursuing this issue of Excess Deaths in Singapore (which is one of...
Throwing out the baby with the bath water

Throwing out the baby with the bath water

Mr Shanmugam says Singapore has laws and policies to prevent riots like those seen in the UK recently...
Let dead dogs lie

Let dead dogs lie

Alas, Pritam should have let dead dogs lie. I am surprised that he is making a bid to have his case...
Total Policy Reset

Total Policy Reset

Lawrence Wong talked about "reset" but up till now, I am still not quite sure what is installed in his...
The divination of a self-exaltation myth

The divination of a self-exaltation myth

The euphoria that accompanied the appointment of Lawrence Wong as prime minister is understandable.because...
Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's (LW) National Day Rally

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's (LW) National Day Rally

I have more praises than criticisms for Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's (LW) National Day Rally. He...
Build Our Core

Build Our Core

On this very day of celebrating our 59th National Day, we as a people, a country and the Singaporean...
More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General...

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General...

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election (GE)- CNA online 22 July 2024. There are...
Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

This is the Excess Deaths Comparison Chart that MOH has neither disputed nor commented on. It...
Focusing on frail, senior patients

Focusing on frail, senior patients

Tan Tock Seng (TTS) focuses on frail, senior patients as it celebrates 180th anniversary- ST online,...
Who is replacing us?

Who is replacing us?

My fellow Singaporeans,we face an existential threat,that is exacerbated by PAP policies. The number...
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

We first thought the attempted assassination of Trump was a "Lone Wolf" incident. However, there are...
Allianz offers to buy a stake in Income Insurance

Allianz offers to buy a stake in Income Insurance

Allianz offers to buy a stake in Income Insurance- 18 July 24, Straits Times. Allianz has done its...
I am not a 'woke'

I am not a 'woke'

I am known to be a Democratic Socialist. Democracy comes before Socialism. Traditionally, people regard...
Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

I strongly condemn the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the United States Republican presidential...
Supporting Chee Soon Juan's café

Supporting Chee Soon Juan's café

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s news, “Singaporeans urged to support Chee Soon Juan's café...
Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

I refer to The TR-Emeritus opinion article, “Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries”...
Steering with stability in transition times

Steering with stability in transition times

I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial, “Steering with stability in transition times” (May 16). Let...
We will lead in our own way

We will lead in our own way

I read with interest The Today’s report, “'We will lead in our own way': : Lawrence Wong takes office...
Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for...

Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for...

I refer to the Independent Singapore’s Featured News SG Economy, “Higher salaries lead Singapore...
Marriage, children and practical concerns

Marriage, children and practical concerns

A couple bows before their parents and offers them tea, as is traditional in Chinese weddings. I...
Not in my backyard

Not in my backyard

I refer to the TODAY’s Commentary, “'Not in my backyard' — when some groups can protest more loudly,...
Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary...

Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary...

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s SG Politics column, “Opposition parties seek to strengthen...
Singapore Tightens Casino Regulations to Combat Money...

Singapore Tightens Casino Regulations to Combat Money...

In a move to strengthen its position as a well-regulated financial hub, Singapore is set to implement...
The All-Time Top Singaporean Poker Players

The All-Time Top Singaporean Poker Players

Poker is one of the world's most popular games with games being played recreationally and professionally....
How to Increase Image Size without Compromising Quality

How to Increase Image Size without Compromising Quality

In our digital world, crisp, top-notch images make your content pop, whether on a website, social media,...
Chinese villagers living on cliffs

Chinese villagers living on cliffs

In the Liangshan Mountains of Sichuan Province in China, there is a small isolated village on a cliff...
Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the west

Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the west

Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing...
Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Contrary to popular beliefs, many couples in China are unable to afford to get married. With the exception...
The fall of Alibaba's Jack Ma

The fall of Alibaba's Jack Ma

The story of how Jack Ma betrayed everyone that helped and gave him what he has today. The video also...


A land enshrouded in spirituality, Tibet is home to distinct cultural traditions and astounding natural...
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作者:新加坡文献馆 2010年7月15日新加坡公布 的经济数据引发了两岸三地报章的响亮回应:新加坡经济表现抢眼;新加坡GDP破表;新加坡GDP15% 冲全球第一;星GDP料增 15% 远胜香港;新加坡的惊叹号,台湾的问号,等等。这种洋溢着赞叹的媒体标题强化了新加坡经济的成功形象。 然而,李光耀的新加坡是否真的就是江山如此多嬌?经济情势一片大好?这些漂亮的新加坡经济表现有多少真实性? 当然,新加坡经济有其成功的一面,但数据呈现的只是片面不是全面。要解读新加坡经济表现之前有必要先了解一些基本的约束条件,缺乏这方面的基本常识,而只根据统计数据进行表面分析是不妥当的,难免会有偏差,甚至于会误判。 每一个国家的政经大环境都有其本土性,而有关新加坡统计数据的特殊性,尤其是涉及新加坡经济表现的认知,有3大特色:其一,新加坡经济统计数据有其可使用性问题。其二,新加坡经济增长有其特殊性,其三,新加坡经济结构亦有其特殊性。 首先,决定并形成这些约束条件的环境因素源于李光耀的政治思维。在新加坡的政治文化里国家讯息包括统计数据是非常重要的战略资源所以都严格保密。 在‘你只需要知道你应该知道的’原则下,个人政治权力的虚实决定个人掌握机密资讯的多少。相信,在新加坡能够掌握国库清单与人民行动党干部清单的知情者,应该就只是政治权力核心的三儿个人。 比 如,即便民选总统的宪法责任是护卫国库,但总统并没有理所当然的知悉国情,而是通过公开途径向政府索取相关资讯。这位首任民选总统曾任内阁部长多年,且身 居副总理之高位;由此可以知道,讯息在新加坡的战略性与机密性;即便是副总理也无知国库的虚实。以此类推,也应该是只有党秘书长才掌握干部清单。 另 外,新加坡双语政策已有40余年历史,但按李光耀的说法许多国人不知道这是个不对称的双语政策,这反映何事?这是个典型的资讯流失,又何以会是如此?那是 因为政府要人民知道的事,会大事渲染,政府不要人民知道的事,即便其讯息已经在公共领域也不会引起人民的注意。这现象亦说明了在半真半假的讯息里,只有半 张选票的人民只需要知道那不真实的部分。 还有,明哲保身的官员不会越权去知道自已不应该知道的机密,更不会揭晓一些人民不应该知道的真相。换言之,官员会选择少知道或者不知道,又或者是知道后尽快忘掉。这种潜规则于是塑造了统计数据的三项特性。 其一,新加坡的行政资料数据化,收集与整理资讯皆具效率,所以李光耀对新加坡经济,社会与政治的动向了如指掌。然而,这套正确,全面与完整的数据是新加坡官方数据的机密版本。 新加坡官方数据的公告版本是修饰的版本;通过定义上不明确界定,模糊了统计数据原有真面目。比如,在新加坡的人口统计里,公民、永久居民与非公民;新移民人 口和公民移居外国人口等等并没有明确数据,只能凭数据定义去界定新加坡人口的确实状况。但是,使用这种以揣测的加减法去分析经济现象容易出乱子。 2003年,南洋理工大学根据官方的统计数据解读了一些经济现象,一位新上任的代部长训斥这份经济报告为‘垃圾’。一位借调到劳工部的国大同行说:如果能够从这组数据中得出这样的结论,应该可以拿到诺贝尔奖。 显然的,熟悉新加坡情况的学者会得出‘垃圾’结论,反映了官方统计数据的使用性不佳。讽刺之言更进一步证实了知内情者知道那是一些不能轻易使用的数据。理所当然,报告与资讯之间有其因果上的垃圾必然性。 其二,2010年2月23日,财政部长:‘… 长期的增长。劳动生产力是一个核心的议题,… 要把生产力年成长打到2-3%,是个主要的挑战。…过去十年,新加坡的生产率年均增长只有1%… 。’ 2010年2月初,根据新加坡经济战略委员:新加坡的劳动生产力远远落后于美国和日本等国,制造业和服务业的生产力大约分别为美国和日本的55%到65%。 提升生产力规划始于1970年代初。1979年政府推行‘第二次工业革命’试图利用高工资政策来迫使制造业进行机械化以提高生产力,但计划彻底失败,过后,引进大量廉价劳工来满足外商对人力生产因素的需求。 Peebles & Wilson (2002: 59) 记载了克鲁科曼的评述:‘新加坡的经济增长和生产力的提升完全没有关系,其生产总值的增加主要是来自资本与劳动力因素的增加。香港的情况则恰好相反,其经 济增长是来自生产力因素。新加坡的状况不足为奇,因为较早之前就有过类似的论述。’ 按克鲁科曼的原文:‘新加坡的经济增长可以用 经济投入来作全面的解释。这其中完全没有效率的增值。从这个层面来看,李光耀的新加坡经济和史太林的苏联经济是双胞胎,其经济成长是来自生产资源的投入。 当然,新加坡比前苏联更繁荣…因为新加坡更接近,但低于西方经济体的效率。’(Krugman 1994: 71) 克鲁科曼对新加坡的未来经济增长不表乐观:‘因为当前的形式局限未来的发展,在现有经济架构下,提升劳工素质的空间有限。’ 提升生产力有40年的历史,是人民行动党政府始终无法解决的经济困境。这一种无力解决经济问题的现实又如何值得其他经济体羡慕,甚至于作为借鉴的模式? 其三,2010年7月13日,李显龙在休斯敦指出:经济增长强劲的主因是两间赌场酒店开幕,以及制药业的增长…;要推行…改造经济、提升工人技能和提高生产力等计划。如果我们无法实现较长期的结构性经济改革,未来将无法取得持续增长。 这番谈话显示了新加坡经济结构的问题:政府始终无法改变对外来资本,外来技术和外来市场的高度依赖。这样的经济架构缺乏主动,置疑了可持续增长的稳定性。 新加坡的外资制造业,如石化工业,制药业,高科技产品等等巨额投资有利膨胀GDP,但对提升本地经济素质则虚多实少。这在新加坡经济历史里有先例可查。 Helen Hughes (1969) 指出石油工业的巨额投资有利GDP增长但对就业增长并没有多大帮助。新加坡是依赖劳工密集经济创造就业机会。 W G Huff (1994) 解释:早年的石油商只是利用新加坡的地理位置进行直接贸易,不经手中间人,所以新加坡并不分享利益,但是巨额石油贸易带来经济发展迹象。然而,英国官员却指出:这对我们的统计数据制造了错误的印象。 1995年OECD 把新加坡列为更先进的发展中国家,时任副总理的李显龙坚持新加坡仍是发展中国家。官方对新加坡经济结构的评估是:新加坡经济缺乏一个已发展经济体的广度和深度,所以无法和先进发展中经济体进行竞争。 这一争议亦涉及GDP人均概念。新加坡认为由于经济中有很大的外来因素,加上新加坡人口少,因而带来了GDP人均偏高的非真实现象。 Peebles & Wilson (2002: 135) 探讨了这一问题 :以新加坡经济体来比较,其生产额是相对的庞大,是谁从中得益? 是什么程度的好处?新加坡GDP中有相当部分来自外资企业和外来劳动力,这些都不是新加坡人的所得。 为此,统计局设计了本土GNP概念 (Indigenous GNP, IGNP) 。以2000年为例子,35%的GDP是来自外资,所以IGNP是GDP的65%;新加坡只从IGNP分得好处。这一年的GDP人均是S$42,212而IGNP人均是S$ 38,445;证实了GDP人均偏高的说法。 虽然经济组织结构是个复杂的问题,但是,从石油业历史与人均概念中还是可以一窥经济增长和新加坡老百姓之间有着何等的财富分配关系。 新加坡的社会现实是,老百姓很难从经济增长中分享直接经济利益,但却无可避免的要分担其所带来的通货膨胀和社会成本。从这回的GDP增长来看,赌场从概念, 设计到建筑,以及赌场科技包括荷官与保安多由外来人力承担;制药业的科技包括设备与尖端人力也都是外国入口。而新加坡老百姓未见其利先受其害:人民不仅付 出了更高的车资,又要更使劲的挤进站无虚位的MRT。 那么,谁又从中得益?显然的,谁能够把薪金和GDP挂勾谁就能夠得益。 新加坡经济结构的特殊性:先进工业生产和大量廉价劳力入口,就是新加坡社会贫富两极化的根本原因。这是经济结构性和财富分配的问题,官方的代罪羔羊,全球经济一体化现象只是加剧了这个早已存在的新加坡经济困境。 新加坡经济的本质在许多学者文献中都有评论,并且解释了个中缘由。然而,一些新加坡人包括撰稿人还是似懂非懂,所以经常有半真半假或者以假当真的论述,从而导致外围观众真假难分的以讹传讹。 回 头看看,台湾何需惊叹?台湾人的创业精神不就让新加坡人望尘莫及?一个在中国大江南北搞得风生水起,一个在苏卅折翼而返。新加坡超越香港?香港中小企业经 济已经跨越边界融入中国南方经济;谁是这个大池塘里的大鱼?从另一个角度来看,新加坡,香港,台湾和中国大陆,是谁制造了更多的亿万富豪?这个情况不是一 清二楚的吗? 2010年7月23日中央社转载了南洋商报的报导,李显龙:‘这种增长速度是因为经济从谷底反弹而出现的“特殊”现象;再加上有一些新的发展项目,例如2座综合度假区开张,但这不代表明年或今后也能取得同样的增长率。’ 诚然,新加坡的经济表现没有什么值得惊叹,相反的,这种特殊经济表现更显露了新加坡的经济隐忧。 有说旁观者清,看来这也未必正确,或许‘欲知庐山真面目,唯有身居此山中’。  Read More →

Singapore ranked the 81st happiest country in the world

Singapore ranked the 81st happiest country in the world

Singapore is supposedly a first world country with one of the highest GDP per capita income in the world, but its people are far from being happy, according to a worldwide poll done by Gallup lately. In a survey of citizens from 155 countries on their overall satisfaction of life, Singapore ranked a pathetic 81st below Thailand, Taiwan and South Korea. Denmark took top spot followed by the other Nordic nations Finland, Norway and Sweden. Only 19 percent of Singaporeans interviewed indicated that they are "thriving" while an astonishingly 75 percent regard themselves as "struggling". The remaining 6 percent said they are "suffering". The landmark Gallup World Poll was given extensive coverage by the international media, but did not even warrant a brief mention by the Singapore media which continues to churn out a heavy daily dose of PAP propaganda to be consumed by unsuspecting Singaporeans. View the full table here.     Please join our Facebook discussion on this article here and invite your friends to do so as well to raise awareness among fellow Singaporeans. This page is maintained independently by a TR reader.   Copyright © 2009 – 2010 The Temasek Review  Read More →

A Redeeming Feature of the PAP Government

A Redeeming Feature of the PAP Government

As outraged netizens it is quite natural to vent our wraths on the arrogant PAP government from time to time for the innumerable injustices by it. It is equally natural for the government to promote an international benevolent feature in order to divert some of the local broadsides. It is for its political capital that it is doing this but this should not detract from the immense succours that disaster victims received, especially in the case of colossal natural disasters such as a tsunami. The Meulaboh tsunami disaster in December 2004 presented the PAP government with a golden opportunity to show to the world its readiness and benevolent prowess in rising to the humanitarian occasion promptly. Meulaboh was a sleepy Acehnese town in Indonesia and the tsunami destructions were so widespread and devastating that they were beyond belief. The number of lives lost was inestimable. Team Singapore was the first to descend on the devastated town, before other foreign governments and non-governmental organisations (NGO), and began the agonising task of rescuing the survivors and resettling them. After that came the laborious and lengthy task of rebuilding and rehabilitation. That Team Singapore has persevered relentlessly since the start of the disaster in Decembver 2004 till now in its noble task of rebuilding and rehabilitation showed its sterling quality and determination which in turn reflected on the international acclaims to the PAP government. The tsuname disaster in Aceh with its subsequent rebuilding and rehabitation can indeed be said to be a showcase of the PAP government's humanitarianism. The colossal devastation of the tsunami disaster had shocked a normally placid world and the PAP government's heroic role in rescue, rebuilding and rehabilitation could not but elicited a show of respectful gratitude from an amazed world. Here is the irony of it. It is all very well for the PAP government to promote an international humane image. When it comes to the local scene, it shows it is not so benign in its ruthlessness in dealing with the opposition parties and those who are not so sparing in their vitriolic criticisms of the government. Maybe it is in its mental make-up that it finds it antipathic to show the same kind of justice and fairness universally as in its international image projection. Prime Minister's and ministers' silence on major public occurrences and happenings is not going to endear the government to the public, not to mention losing public confidence. The recent SMRT Changi depot security lapse and the Orchard Road deluge are only two cases in point. Then there is the question of a fair general election but the general expectation is that there will be gerrymandering when electoral boundaries are drawn up, obviously not to the advantage of opposition parties contesting the election. Of course, it will be a godsend if the PAP government can show a little more fairness and justice but is this not analogous to wishing for the pie in the sky?   Yoong Siew Wah About the author: Mr Yoong Siew Wah is the former director of Singapore’s ISD (Internal Security Department).  Read More →

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