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Supporting Chee Soon Juan's caféSupporting Chee Soon Juan's café I refer to The Independent Singapore’s news, “Singaporeans urged to support Chee Soon Juan's café despite their political preferences” (July 16). The underlying objective of doing any business is to ensure it is viable and profitable. Otherwise, there is no point of undertaking risk for it. It is natural for...

Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries? I refer to The TR-Emeritus opinion article, “Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries” (June 14) by Mr Yoong Siew Wah. It has always been a controversial topic which concerns about our top political leaders who receive their salaries that are many times higher than those foreign political leaders. Our...

Steering with stability in transition timesSteering with stability in transition times I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial, “Steering with stability in transition times” (May 16). Let us analyze and interpret this specific subject from a broad perspective, how Singapore should respond and adapt to the evolution of the entire international situation and formulate its foreign policy that is extremely...

We will lead in our own wayWe will lead in our own way I read with interest The Today’s report, “'We will lead in our own way': : Lawrence Wong takes office as 4th prime minister of Singapore” (May 15). We can get some inspiration or enlightenment from the story of the 108 heroes in Water Margin: they originally had their own abilities, aspirations and ambitions. They...

Chinese villagers living on cliffsChinese villagers living on cliffs In the Liangshan Mountains of Sichuan Province in China, there is a small isolated village on a cliff 1,400 meters above sea level. This is the village of Atuler, known as the Cliff Village with 72 families who has been living there for almost 200 years. All travel is by a ladder that leads to the sky at almost right...

Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the westUkraine will cease to exist thanks to the west Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles. From 1991 until 1998, Mr. Ritter served as a Chief Inspector...

Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride priceBride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price Contrary to popular beliefs, many couples in China are unable to afford to get married. With the exception of rural villages, those in the cities mostly asked for hundreds of thousands in bride price (聘礼/彩礼). According to our techie who has been in China for over a decade, the bride price may include monies intended...

Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian workers looking to moveHigher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian... I refer to the Independent Singapore’s Featured News SG Economy, “Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian workers looking to move” (Feb 22). In this era of rapid technological advancement, all countries are faced with the dilemma of being hungry for talent. Therefore, top talents in respective...

Where Romance Meets FinanceWhere Romance Meets Finance Sugarbook was launched by Darren Chan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is a luxury dating website designed to resolve financial issues through emotional support. It provides a platform to grow your relationships through mutual benefits that are not restricted to mentorship, companionship, wealth and emotional support. It...

Marriage, children and practical concernsMarriage, children and practical concerns A couple bows before their parents and offers them tea, as is traditional in Chinese weddings. I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial “Marriage, children and practical concerns” (Feb 5). Since the history of human civilisation, the formation of individual family and the issue of procreation have become two...

Not in my backyardNot in my backyard I refer to the TODAY’s Commentary, “'Not in my backyard' — when some groups can protest more loudly, the most vulnerable ones suffer” (Jan 25, 2024). A few good points from the article are worth to be probed further and discussed. In December 2023, the announcement of plans by The National Environment Agency...

Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presenceOpposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presence I refer to The Independent Singapore’s SG Politics column, “Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presence” (Nov 29, 2023). As we know, Singapore political scene has been firmly dominated by the PAP since 1959. Thus, the opposition parties in Singapore have to face and withstand many challenges ahead...

Educating the next generationEducating the next generation I read with interest the Straits Times’ Editorial, “Educating the next generation” (Jan 5, 2024). Any form of spontaneous learning should provide you with a happy, positive, and memorable experience. However, only a small number of children are in exception. Therefore, based on this, parents should realize the...

GST increase in 2024GST increase in 2024 On 1 Jan 2024 GST rises 1% from 8% to 9%; this is a 12.5% increase in GST. I am not convinced that this is necessary. It will contribute to inflation, and cause economic hardship. The handouts to mitigate this are temporary and the increase is permanent. In 2015, when the possibility of GST rising was an election issue...

Race relations in SingaporeRace relations in Singapore I refer to the Today’s “Commentary: In 1954, David Marshall spoke about race relations in Singapore. Have we made real progress since then?” (Dec 15). For any country to be prosperous and powerful, it must first achieve political and social stability, and its people must live in harmony and be united. Only in this...

Due to the nature of the news and contents appearing on TR Emeritus, we are rating the website for 'above 18' only.
Rare typhoon-like storm hits Singapore

Rare typhoon-like storm hits Singapore

Strong winds that people called a mini typhoon hit Singapore on Tuesday evening, September 17, toppling...
Super typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu...

Super typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu...

After hitting Shanghai on Monday (17th Sept), Typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu province....
Why storms and typhoons are wrecking havoc in Asia...

Why storms and typhoons are wrecking havoc in Asia...

Typhoon Bebinca has made landfall in China on Monday (16th Sept). Shanghai has been slammed by the city's...
Super typhoon Bebinca wreaks havoc In Shanghai

Super typhoon Bebinca wreaks havoc In Shanghai

The mega city of Shanghai was brought to a standstill on Monday (16th Sept) as residents at home had...
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Severe flooding wrecks havoc in Europe

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Iran poised to launch mega-retaliation against Israel

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Super typhoon Yagi batters Hainan island in China

Super typhoon Yagi batters Hainan island in China

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Putin visits Mongolia despite ICC arrest warrant

Putin visits Mongolia despite ICC arrest warrant

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Axis of Resistance vows to escalate attacks on Israel...

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Russia pounds Ukraine for the second consecutive day

Russia pounds Ukraine for the second consecutive day

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Russia pounds Ukraine in retaliation for invasion of...

Russia pounds Ukraine in retaliation for invasion of...

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Houthis ready to strike Israel

Houthis ready to strike Israel

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Israel imposes restriction on media to hide damages...

Israel imposes restriction on media to hide damages...

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is set to present proof or videos of attacks near Tel Aviv. Israeli...
Hezbollah hints at 'full response' after major rocket...

Hezbollah hints at 'full response' after major rocket...

The Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones towards Israel on...
How strong is Singapore's fighter jets?

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Major escalation fears as Hezbollah pounds Israel with...

Major escalation fears as Hezbollah pounds Israel with...

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WHO Declares Global Health Emergency

WHO Declares Global Health Emergency

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Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to step down

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to step down

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A random thought on the comedy of error

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The Great America, No More

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A glimpse of the obscurantism of Singapore society

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Excess Deaths in Singapore

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More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General...

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General...

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Who is replacing us?

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My fellow Singaporeans,we face an existential threat,that is exacerbated by PAP policies. The number...
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

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Allianz offers to buy a stake in Income Insurance

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I am not a 'woke'

I am not a 'woke'

I am known to be a Democratic Socialist. Democracy comes before Socialism. Traditionally, people regard...
Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

I strongly condemn the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the United States Republican presidential...
Supporting Chee Soon Juan's café

Supporting Chee Soon Juan's café

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s news, “Singaporeans urged to support Chee Soon Juan's café...
Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

I refer to The TR-Emeritus opinion article, “Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries”...
Steering with stability in transition times

Steering with stability in transition times

I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial, “Steering with stability in transition times” (May 16). Let...
We will lead in our own way

We will lead in our own way

I read with interest The Today’s report, “'We will lead in our own way': : Lawrence Wong takes office...
Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for...

Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for...

I refer to the Independent Singapore’s Featured News SG Economy, “Higher salaries lead Singapore...
Marriage, children and practical concerns

Marriage, children and practical concerns

A couple bows before their parents and offers them tea, as is traditional in Chinese weddings. I...
Not in my backyard

Not in my backyard

I refer to the TODAY’s Commentary, “'Not in my backyard' — when some groups can protest more loudly,...
Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary...

Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary...

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s SG Politics column, “Opposition parties seek to strengthen...
Singapore Tightens Casino Regulations to Combat Money...

Singapore Tightens Casino Regulations to Combat Money...

In a move to strengthen its position as a well-regulated financial hub, Singapore is set to implement...
The All-Time Top Singaporean Poker Players

The All-Time Top Singaporean Poker Players

Poker is one of the world's most popular games with games being played recreationally and professionally....
How to Increase Image Size without Compromising Quality

How to Increase Image Size without Compromising Quality

In our digital world, crisp, top-notch images make your content pop, whether on a website, social media,...
Chinese villagers living on cliffs

Chinese villagers living on cliffs

In the Liangshan Mountains of Sichuan Province in China, there is a small isolated village on a cliff...
Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the west

Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the west

Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing...
Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Contrary to popular beliefs, many couples in China are unable to afford to get married. With the exception...
The fall of Alibaba's Jack Ma

The fall of Alibaba's Jack Ma

The story of how Jack Ma betrayed everyone that helped and gave him what he has today. The video also...


A land enshrouded in spirituality, Tibet is home to distinct cultural traditions and astounding natural...
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来源: 联合早报17/04/2010 16年前一名美国青年因在新加坡公共场所涂鸦而被判鞭刑的陈年往事,美国人至今还是念念不忘。庞塞(按:芝加哥电视台WTTW第11频道访谈节目“芝加哥今夜”(Chicago Tonight)之主持人)也向李总理提起这件事。 李总理答说:“那是迈克菲。他确实涂鸦了很多地方,还喷漆和破坏汽车。他做了很多坏事。” 迈克菲在1994年因涂鸦而被判坐牢四个月及四下鞭刑。他出狱后立刻回返美国,却在当地屡屡犯法,包括嗜毒和鲁莽驾驶。 询及是否认为新加坡的法律过于苛刻时,李总理重申新加坡的一贯立场,即我国的法律是按本国的国情制定,优先考量的是维护多数人的安全和利益,对违法的本地和外地人一视同仁,不能只惩罚本地人而纵容外地人。 与此同时,他表明新加坡也不在乎外国人怎么评价我国的民主制度。 当庞赛提到新加坡被一些外国媒体或研究机构评为“局部开放”或“是个民主及独裁的混合体”时,李总理指出我国政府是个民选政府,获得人民授权治理国家。 “新加坡必须走自己的路。我们不是美国,甚至连芝加哥都不是美国。芝加哥市长戴利连任了21年,你有没有问过他同样的问题?” 对此,庞赛指出戴利的父亲也当过芝加哥市长。 李总理星期四也会见了戴利。 来源:  Read More →

Australian-born families to be a minority by 2025

Australian-born families to be a minority by 2025

From: The Sunday Mail (Qld) April 17, 2010 5:44PM THE Australian-born family will be a minority social group in 15 years, according to new research by demographic consultants Macroplan Australia. Soaring immigration and an ageing population mean that migrant families will outnumber Australian-born residents by 2025. According to 2006 census data, 40 per cent of Australia's population were born overseas, or have at least one parent who was born overseas. But if immigration continues at current levels, that will jump to more than 50 per cent by 2025. The news comes days after Tony Burke's appointment as Australia's first population minister, tasked with managing the huge influx of migrants expected to help swell the population to 36 million by 2050, up from 22 million today. A survey of 3000 people has revealed 70 per cent of Australians do not want a bigger population and less than a quarter favoured immigration as the main contributor.However, experts say the migrant majority will be a healthy development for Australian culture and attitudes. "It is all adding to the cosmopolitan nature of modern Australia," said Bernard Salt, a demographic expert at KPMG. "It means our views become less blinkered and we become more tolerant, confident, engaged, opportunistic and optimistic because we are open to new ideas and not obsessed with keeping things the same." Brian Haratsis, chief executive of Macroplan, said Australia's current population tends to "stare at our shoes and say we're the best in the world" instead of embracing new ideas.   Source:  Read More →

Don’t panic but plan for population

Don’t panic but plan for population

From The Australian By Mike Steketee April 17, 2010 Australia can deal with far more people, as long as we get the infrastructure right AUSTRALIA is the 18th most urbanised of the world's 204 countries, according to UN statistics. Those ahead of us in this league table are mainly city-states such as Singapore and Monaco, or small countries such as Belgium, Bahrain and Luxembourg. The Australian Bureau of Statistics says that 69 per cent of our population live in big cities. Nearly all of them are in the capitals, which grew at a rate of 2.3 per cent in 2008-09, compared with 1.9 per cent for the rest of Australia. In other words, we're becoming still more urbanised. On the basis of federal Treasury projections of an Australian population of 36 million by 2050, the department's head Ken Henry said last year that reasonable assumptions would see Sydney and Melbourne growing from 4.5 million and four million respectively to seven million each, with Brisbane more than doubling to four million. Should we be worried? How would these cities cope, asked Henry. "Surely not by continuing to expand their geographic footprints at the same rate as in the past several decades. Surely not by loading more cars and trucks on to road networks that can't cope with today's traffic." That is, people will have live closer together, which economists say will be more efficient. Henry has canvassed congestion charges to spread the movement of traffic. The Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics estimates an avoidable cost of road congestion of $9.4 billion in 2005 and believes this could more than double by 2020 in the absence of action. But it's not all bad news, particularly if people have realistic choices about where they live. "Properly managed, I think cities of seven million are a terrific idea," demographer Bernard Salt tells Inquirer. "Melbourne and Sydney at four million are more interesting, more connected and offer more opportunities than when they were at two million and the same logic applies to seven million. "It means they offer critical mass, that they are competitive on a global scale. The business and global connections you can provide are far better. "If you keep the country small and limited while the rest of the planet grows, Australians will always be like New Zealanders looking for something better in another country." Glenn Withers, who conducted a population inquiry for the Hawke government, says research at Princeton University in the US has estimated a rise of 8 per cent in average incomes for each two million increase in the size of cities. Tony Burke's job as Kevin Rudd's newly minted Population Minister is to navigate a path through the political shoals of this debate. For starters, he has been spreading the word that a population of 36 million "is not a government target, it is not a government ambition, it is not a government policy". As recent opinion polls show -- though with widely varying results -- people baulk at such a high figure, although it would see population growth slowing from 1.4 per cent in the past 40 years to 1.2 per cent in the next 40. Even if the government wanted to set a target, it would have trouble doing so. The ABS estimates the present birthrate of one new person every one minute and 46 seconds to be exactly the same as the immigration rate. That means the population would grow even with zero immigration. Peter Costello's fantasies notwithstanding, government influence over the rate at which women have babies is limited. The government does determine immigration policy but the rate is driven primarily by economic conditions. If the demand for labour dictates a higher immigration rate, no government is going to stand in the way, particularly when it comes to temporary immigrants. Instead of talking about overall population, Burke is trying to swing the debate on to the needs of different areas and industries, ranging from congestion in Sydney to chronic shortages of labour in Western Australia. "Carrying capacity in any region will be affected by a whole range of issues," Burke tells Inquirer, citing water, infrastructure and environmental constraints. He argues that catering for these needs will require better planning and federal government involvement. "To get this to work there is going to have to be a very high level of co-operation between all levels of government." While that may arouse scepticism, Burke argues this is not an area where governments traditionally have played the blame game. He says many of the population pressures are driven not by immigration but by internal movements, including to southeast Queensland and, in the case of retirees, from cities to the coast. There would need to be more attention devoted to forward planning for infrastructure, urban planning and workforce needs. "The pathway to date with few exceptions has been to wait for people to land in a particular part of Australia, for the population pressure to build because there is too much congestion, and then to start to put the infrastructure in 10 years too late." As for government incentives, Burke is not raising too many expectations. He wants to pursue with the Queensland government Anna Bligh's idea of developing Townsville into the equivalent of a second capital city. Perhaps we should be thinking the same way about Broome. Bligh also has canvassed regional first-home owners grants and levying infrastructure charges at different rates to influence where development takes place. The points system used to assess prospective migrants now includes concessions for people who settle in regional areas, which are defined to include Adelaide, Darwin and Hobart. But "I don't think anyone can say it is working as well as it was hoped", Burke says. Tax incentives, particularly for industry to establish outside the big cities, are one option, but he has "no predisposition as to whether that would work". He agrees that transport is a key issue in a population strategy but says it is too early to be talking about specific ideas such as fast trains, which would encourage decentralisation as well as reducing carbon emissions. He stresses that the issues are much complex than moving people from the cities to the country. In the meantime, while it is prudent to plan ahead, there is no need to panic just yet. Too much weight has been placed on Treasury's 2050 population figure of 36 million. It is not a forecast, as it has been commonly styled, but a projection of where we would end up if we maintained the present fertility rate of about 1.9 births per woman and the net immigration of the past 40 years -- 0.6 per cent of population, which is 134,000 on the basis of the present population and would be 180,000 with a population of 30 million. We can only guess at many of the things that will happen during the next 40 years to influence population growth. Until recently, the widespread assumption was that the fertility rate would keep falling. Instead, it has risen. Net overseas migration, which counts all those who stay or leave for at least 12 months, has fluctuated in the past 20 years from an annual 35,000 a year to 297,000 for the year to September. Treasury's projection may look more realistic from today's perspective but that is not to say it will stay that way in the future. Only two years earlier, its projection on its then best assumptions was for a population of 28.5 million by 2050. Although China may continue to be the locomotive for the world economy -- and the turbocharger for Australia's -- for the foreseeable future, it is heroic to assume that its growth will continue uninterrupted for 40 years and at present high resources prices.  Source:  Read More →

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