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Supporting Chee Soon Juan's caféSupporting Chee Soon Juan's café I refer to The Independent Singapore’s news, “Singaporeans urged to support Chee Soon Juan's café despite their political preferences” (July 16). The underlying objective of doing any business is to ensure it is viable and profitable. Otherwise, there is no point of undertaking risk for it. It is natural for...

Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries? I refer to The TR-Emeritus opinion article, “Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries” (June 14) by Mr Yoong Siew Wah. It has always been a controversial topic which concerns about our top political leaders who receive their salaries that are many times higher than those foreign political leaders. Our...

Steering with stability in transition timesSteering with stability in transition times I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial, “Steering with stability in transition times” (May 16). Let us analyze and interpret this specific subject from a broad perspective, how Singapore should respond and adapt to the evolution of the entire international situation and formulate its foreign policy that is extremely...

We will lead in our own wayWe will lead in our own way I read with interest The Today’s report, “'We will lead in our own way': : Lawrence Wong takes office as 4th prime minister of Singapore” (May 15). We can get some inspiration or enlightenment from the story of the 108 heroes in Water Margin: they originally had their own abilities, aspirations and ambitions. They...

Chinese villagers living on cliffsChinese villagers living on cliffs In the Liangshan Mountains of Sichuan Province in China, there is a small isolated village on a cliff 1,400 meters above sea level. This is the village of Atuler, known as the Cliff Village with 72 families who has been living there for almost 200 years. All travel is by a ladder that leads to the sky at almost right...

Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the westUkraine will cease to exist thanks to the west Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles. From 1991 until 1998, Mr. Ritter served as a Chief Inspector...

Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride priceBride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price Contrary to popular beliefs, many couples in China are unable to afford to get married. With the exception of rural villages, those in the cities mostly asked for hundreds of thousands in bride price (聘礼/彩礼). According to our techie who has been in China for over a decade, the bride price may include monies intended...

Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian workers looking to moveHigher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian... I refer to the Independent Singapore’s Featured News SG Economy, “Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for Asian workers looking to move” (Feb 22). In this era of rapid technological advancement, all countries are faced with the dilemma of being hungry for talent. Therefore, top talents in respective...

Where Romance Meets FinanceWhere Romance Meets Finance Sugarbook was launched by Darren Chan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is a luxury dating website designed to resolve financial issues through emotional support. It provides a platform to grow your relationships through mutual benefits that are not restricted to mentorship, companionship, wealth and emotional support. It...

Marriage, children and practical concernsMarriage, children and practical concerns A couple bows before their parents and offers them tea, as is traditional in Chinese weddings. I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial “Marriage, children and practical concerns” (Feb 5). Since the history of human civilisation, the formation of individual family and the issue of procreation have become two...

Not in my backyardNot in my backyard I refer to the TODAY’s Commentary, “'Not in my backyard' — when some groups can protest more loudly, the most vulnerable ones suffer” (Jan 25, 2024). A few good points from the article are worth to be probed further and discussed. In December 2023, the announcement of plans by The National Environment Agency...

Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presenceOpposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presence I refer to The Independent Singapore’s SG Politics column, “Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary presence” (Nov 29, 2023). As we know, Singapore political scene has been firmly dominated by the PAP since 1959. Thus, the opposition parties in Singapore have to face and withstand many challenges ahead...

Educating the next generationEducating the next generation I read with interest the Straits Times’ Editorial, “Educating the next generation” (Jan 5, 2024). Any form of spontaneous learning should provide you with a happy, positive, and memorable experience. However, only a small number of children are in exception. Therefore, based on this, parents should realize the...

GST increase in 2024GST increase in 2024 On 1 Jan 2024 GST rises 1% from 8% to 9%; this is a 12.5% increase in GST. I am not convinced that this is necessary. It will contribute to inflation, and cause economic hardship. The handouts to mitigate this are temporary and the increase is permanent. In 2015, when the possibility of GST rising was an election issue...

Race relations in SingaporeRace relations in Singapore I refer to the Today’s “Commentary: In 1954, David Marshall spoke about race relations in Singapore. Have we made real progress since then?” (Dec 15). For any country to be prosperous and powerful, it must first achieve political and social stability, and its people must live in harmony and be united. Only in this...

Due to the nature of the news and contents appearing on TR Emeritus, we are rating the website for 'above 18' only.
Rare typhoon-like storm hits Singapore

Rare typhoon-like storm hits Singapore

Strong winds that people called a mini typhoon hit Singapore on Tuesday evening, September 17, toppling...
Super typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu...

Super typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu...

After hitting Shanghai on Monday (17th Sept), Typhoon Bebinca hit the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu province....
Why storms and typhoons are wrecking havoc in Asia...

Why storms and typhoons are wrecking havoc in Asia...

Typhoon Bebinca has made landfall in China on Monday (16th Sept). Shanghai has been slammed by the city's...
Super typhoon Bebinca wreaks havoc In Shanghai

Super typhoon Bebinca wreaks havoc In Shanghai

The mega city of Shanghai was brought to a standstill on Monday (16th Sept) as residents at home had...
Severe flooding wrecks havoc in Europe

Severe flooding wrecks havoc in Europe

Severe flooding continues to wreak havoc across central and eastern Europe, following days of torrential...
Iran poised to launch mega-retaliation against Israel

Iran poised to launch mega-retaliation against Israel

Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, a high-ranking IRGC commander, has announced that Iran will soon...
Super typhoon Yagi batters Hainan island in China

Super typhoon Yagi batters Hainan island in China

Heavy rains and strong winds swept through Hainan province Friday as a powerful typhoon, dubbed Yagi,...
Putin visits Mongolia despite ICC arrest warrant

Putin visits Mongolia despite ICC arrest warrant

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Mongolia for a visit, despite the risk of arrest under...
Axis of Resistance vows to escalate attacks on Israel...

Axis of Resistance vows to escalate attacks on Israel...

The Axis of Resistance groups in Iraq have escalated their threats against Israel and the US. They have...
Russia pounds Ukraine for the second consecutive day

Russia pounds Ukraine for the second consecutive day

In one of the biggest air attacks launched by Russia, hundreds of missiles and drones were launched targeting...
Russia pounds Ukraine in retaliation for invasion of...

Russia pounds Ukraine in retaliation for invasion of...

Russia unleashed a massive missile and drone assault on NATO-backed Ukraine amid rising tensions over...
Houthis ready to strike Israel

Houthis ready to strike Israel

Houthi-installed defence minister in Yemen has warned that his forces are ready to strike Israel. Major...
Israel imposes restriction on media to hide damages...

Israel imposes restriction on media to hide damages...

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is set to present proof or videos of attacks near Tel Aviv. Israeli...
Hezbollah hints at 'full response' after major rocket...

Hezbollah hints at 'full response' after major rocket...

The Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones towards Israel on...
How strong is Singapore's fighter jets?

How strong is Singapore's fighter jets?

Singapore's fighter jets are supposedly the most advanced force in the entire Southeast Asian region. What...
Major escalation fears as Hezbollah pounds Israel with...

Major escalation fears as Hezbollah pounds Israel with...

Hezbollah and Israel both have announced large-scale military operations against each other. Israel is...
WHO Declares Global Health Emergency

WHO Declares Global Health Emergency

Covid Done, New Virus Emerges: 100s Killed, WHO Declares Global Health Emergency. The World Health...
Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to step down

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to step down

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was seen as a safe pair of hands when his party installed him three...
A random thought on the comedy of error

A random thought on the comedy of error

The comedy of error that is circling around in Singapore although mind-boggling but amuses Singaporeans...
The Great America, No More

The Great America, No More

America was propagated as the Great Nation in the last century when I was born, even though the world...
A glimpse of the obscurantism of Singapore society

A glimpse of the obscurantism of Singapore society

This is not an attempt at self-exaltation but to give a glimpse of the obscurantism of the Singapore...
Excess Deaths in Singapore

Excess Deaths in Singapore

I applaud ST journalist's effort in pursuing this issue of Excess Deaths in Singapore (which is one of...
Throwing out the baby with the bath water

Throwing out the baby with the bath water

Mr Shanmugam says Singapore has laws and policies to prevent riots like those seen in the UK recently...
Let dead dogs lie

Let dead dogs lie

Alas, Pritam should have let dead dogs lie. I am surprised that he is making a bid to have his case...
Total Policy Reset

Total Policy Reset

Lawrence Wong talked about "reset" but up till now, I am still not quite sure what is installed in his...
The divination of a self-exaltation myth

The divination of a self-exaltation myth

The euphoria that accompanied the appointment of Lawrence Wong as prime minister is understandable.because...
Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's (LW) National Day Rally

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's (LW) National Day Rally

I have more praises than criticisms for Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's (LW) National Day Rally. He...
Build Our Core

Build Our Core

On this very day of celebrating our 59th National Day, we as a people, a country and the Singaporean...
More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General...

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General...

More Singaporeans eligible to vote in next General Election (GE)- CNA online 22 July 2024. There are...
Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

This is the Excess Deaths Comparison Chart that MOH has neither disputed nor commented on. It...
Focusing on frail, senior patients

Focusing on frail, senior patients

Tan Tock Seng (TTS) focuses on frail, senior patients as it celebrates 180th anniversary- ST online,...
Who is replacing us?

Who is replacing us?

My fellow Singaporeans,we face an existential threat,that is exacerbated by PAP policies. The number...
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

We first thought the attempted assassination of Trump was a "Lone Wolf" incident. However, there are...
Allianz offers to buy a stake in Income Insurance

Allianz offers to buy a stake in Income Insurance

Allianz offers to buy a stake in Income Insurance- 18 July 24, Straits Times. Allianz has done its...
I am not a 'woke'

I am not a 'woke'

I am known to be a Democratic Socialist. Democracy comes before Socialism. Traditionally, people regard...
Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

I strongly condemn the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the United States Republican presidential...
Supporting Chee Soon Juan's café

Supporting Chee Soon Juan's café

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s news, “Singaporeans urged to support Chee Soon Juan's café...
Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries?

I refer to The TR-Emeritus opinion article, “Will PM Wong address the astronomical ministerial salaries”...
Steering with stability in transition times

Steering with stability in transition times

I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial, “Steering with stability in transition times” (May 16). Let...
We will lead in our own way

We will lead in our own way

I read with interest The Today’s report, “'We will lead in our own way': : Lawrence Wong takes office...
Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for...

Higher salaries lead Singapore to become top pick for...

I refer to the Independent Singapore’s Featured News SG Economy, “Higher salaries lead Singapore...
Marriage, children and practical concerns

Marriage, children and practical concerns

A couple bows before their parents and offers them tea, as is traditional in Chinese weddings. I...
Not in my backyard

Not in my backyard

I refer to the TODAY’s Commentary, “'Not in my backyard' — when some groups can protest more loudly,...
Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary...

Opposition parties seek to strengthen parliamentary...

I refer to The Independent Singapore’s SG Politics column, “Opposition parties seek to strengthen...
Singapore Tightens Casino Regulations to Combat Money...

Singapore Tightens Casino Regulations to Combat Money...

In a move to strengthen its position as a well-regulated financial hub, Singapore is set to implement...
The All-Time Top Singaporean Poker Players

The All-Time Top Singaporean Poker Players

Poker is one of the world's most popular games with games being played recreationally and professionally....
How to Increase Image Size without Compromising Quality

How to Increase Image Size without Compromising Quality

In our digital world, crisp, top-notch images make your content pop, whether on a website, social media,...
Chinese villagers living on cliffs

Chinese villagers living on cliffs

In the Liangshan Mountains of Sichuan Province in China, there is a small isolated village on a cliff...
Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the west

Ukraine will cease to exist thanks to the west

Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing...
Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Bride's family asked for RMB 500,000 in bride price

Contrary to popular beliefs, many couples in China are unable to afford to get married. With the exception...
The fall of Alibaba's Jack Ma

The fall of Alibaba's Jack Ma

The story of how Jack Ma betrayed everyone that helped and gave him what he has today. The video also...


A land enshrouded in spirituality, Tibet is home to distinct cultural traditions and astounding natural...
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【明報專訊】不少銀行雖然陸續和解贖回雷曼迷債或其他高風險投資產品,但有分毫未取回的事主昨到中環星展銀行分行抗議,將一樽透明液體掟落分行門前,更點起打火機,惹來汽油彈縱火驚魂。銀行報警後,消防到場證實他只是拋擲清水,惟事主最終涉嫌遊蕩被警方拘捕。 不滿銀行不贖雷曼產品 現場為中環皇后大道中99號中環廣場,地庫為星展銀行 (DBS) 分行,出入口在地面。事發昨午1時許,據距離現場約30呎外一個報攤的檔主聲稱,當時目擊該51歲姓黃男子獨自到銀行,欲進入時有保安員拒絕讓黃入內,雙方爆發爭執,其間黃情緒激動,不時大聲高喊,聲稱自己在星展購買了雷曼相關產品,不滿銀行不肯贖回。 檔主又說,黃突然取出一個1.5公升礦泉水樽拋向銀行側門地面,但並未擊中玻璃門,隨即有透明液體從樽內濺出,「他突然拿出打火機點火,拿到自己的腳和鞋,我當時隱約聞到有電油味!」銀行保安員見狀報警。 黃當時並未點着任何物件,他拾起水樽後沿皇后大道中往西走了約100米,然後在永吉街交界停下,將水樽丟棄在一個垃圾桶,再折返現場,警方此時趕至將他截停。 液體僅清水 涉遊蕩被捕 消防其後到場檢驗後,發現該樽內的液體只是清水,並非易燃液體。警方最終以遊蕩罪名將黃拘捕。 雷曼苦主大聯盟召集人陳光譽表示,雷曼迷債一度令不少人傾家蕩產,其後有銀行宣布與事主和解,贖回雷曼迷債及其他高風險投資產品,但有銀行仍未與客戶和解,「至今仍有3000名事主不獲銀行和解,涉款近30億元。」陳說,不少「仍未上岸」的事主目睹其他人紛紛贖回部分血本,自己卻一無所有,難免感到絕望,情緒激動下堅持到銀行抗議。 Source:  Read More →

Top 8 – Sports Films of Our Time

Top 8 – Sports Films of Our Time

 Top 8 will be a new regular Sports feature (published every Friday), where the editors will choose eight top persons/incidents and rank them in descending order, either by pure opinion, hard data or a mixture of both. Why eight? It is not because the editors are lazy but because top ten is getting boring and eight is a lucky number in Singapore!   __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ranking Methodology: 100% opinion __________________________________________________________________________________________ Some have argued that sports films can hardly ever be considered classics, simply because the endings are usually within expectations. They say that watching a sports film can never be compared to watching a game ‘live’. However, like films of other genres, sports films cut away the boring bits and build up as much action into a limited time frame as possible.  The list below aims to rank the top 8 sports film of our time - purely based on the opinion of the editor. 8 ) Dodgeball To be fair, Dodgeball has a somewhat predictable Hollywood plot – poor boy in a bad situation, stood up against tyranny, eventually turned the tide and leaves with the girl of his dream. However, the onscreen ensemble of comic maestros Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughan and Christine Taylor managed to bring the film to the next level. A one-minute cameo by cycling legend Lance Armstrong was one of the most memorable cameos in cinematic history. This 100% feel-good film deserves a watch. 7) Mean Machine Ex-footballer Vinnie Jones starred in this 2001 adaption of the 1974 American film, The Longest Yard. As Danny Meehan, Jones is an ex-England captain who was sacked because of match-fixing. Behind bars, he is to lead a team of convicts against a team of prison wardens. Not surprisingly, the wardens pressured Meehan into throwing the game. In the final scene, Meehan was caught in a moral dilemma and expectedly, he chose to be on the side of his new-found teammates. Compared to other soccer films like Goal! and Escape to Victory, this is much more bearable. 6) Invictus The film had all ingredients of becoming a classic. Hollywood mega-stars Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon stars as Nelson Mandela and Springboks skipper Francois Pienaar. Set during post-Apartheid South Africa just prior to the 1995 Rugby Union World Cup, this film portrays how a sport had galvanised a country in times of diversity. At time of writing, the film had already garnered two Oscar nominations but to gauge the long-term success, perhaps more time is needed – hence the rather low rating on this particular chart. 5) Field of Dreams “If you build it, he will come”, the famous line from the film is still being quoted every now and then. This 1989 classic stars Kevin Costner as a rural farmer who hears voices asking him to construct a baseball ground on his farmland. He obliges despite his financial problems and spirits of famous baseball legends begin to appear and play on his ground.  A somewhat confusing storyline, but this film is considered a cult classic in the baseball-loving America.  'That Jerry Maguire Kid' 4) Jerry Maguire “Show me the money” and “You had me at hello” are two famous quotes from which will ensure that this film will have a special place in a lot of our hearts. Onscreen chemistry between Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger was electrifying to say the least and a special performance by a six-year-old Jonathan Lipnicki also touched many hearts. This is an enjoyable feel-good film from start to end, but inevitably predictable storyline for a film starring Cruise. 3) Chariots of Fire This 1981 film tells the true stories of two 1924 Olympic athletes. One is an English Jew, who had to overcome institutional racism to participate in the games. The other is a devout Christian, who refuses to take part in his pet 100m event because it fell on a Sunday, despite political pressure. The film won four Oscars in the Academy Awards that year, including the coveted Best Picture. It also has a fantastic soundtrack to go along with the film. 2) Cinderella Man Boxing is perhaps one sport which had been dramatised more so than others. Cinderella Man tells the true story of heavyweight boxing champion James Braddock. Set during the Great Depression, the film accurately illustrates how Braddock had to struggle to feed his family. He eventually overcame massive odds (and a serious hand injury) to become a world champion. Russell Crowe was nominated in the Golden Globe for his performance and this is a great film for anyone who likes to support the underdog (like myself). Robert De Niro is Jake LaMotta 1) Raging Bull It is not easy to choose the best of the best, but Raging Bull is definitely an eye-catching film. Directed by Martin Scorseese, Robert De Niro won an Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of Jake LaMotta. The film’s plot is slow moving, but nonetheless tells a touching story between LaMotta, his brother and his wife. De Niro himself put on considerable weight to play the role and the film also shot actor Joe Pesci to fame. In 1998, this film was named number 24 in the American Film Institute’s (AFI) top 100 films of all them and is also the top-ranked sports-related film. Go grab this DVD if you haven’t seen it before. ________________________________________________________________________________________ The editorial team will like to seek the opinion from all  readers on what you think. Do you agree with the Top 8? Is there anyone that you feel is more worthy to be on the list? Leave a comment! If there is something that you will like us to feature as part of this top 8 series please leave a comment and our team will try to accomodate!  Read More →

Altered electoral boundaries for GRCs and SMCs released

Altered electoral boundaries for GRCs and SMCs released

Written by Our Correspondent The Government Gazette has published the boundaries of altered polling districts for the 14 group representation constituencies (GRCs) and nine single-member constituencies (SMCs) here. However, with the announcement by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong last year that the number of SMCs will be increased, the boundaries will be subjected to further changes after the amendment of Singapore's Constitution and Parliamentary Elections Act. The registry of voters was updated a day earlier, leading to speculations that election may be held soon. The electoral boundaries were often released only in the last minute before nomination day to throw the preparation of the opposition off guard. The opposition can be doing grassroots work at a particular constituency only to find it suddenly "vanish" into thin air just on the eve of the general election. For example, Singapore People Party's Chairman Sin Kek Tong had been active in the SMC of Braddell Hill for six years after garnering a respectable 47 per cent of the votes in the 1991 general election only to find it being "absorbed" into Marine Parade GRC subsequently. With public anger against the ruling party at an all-time high, the next election may become a watershed in the history of modern Singapore. Singaporeans should expect the usual rampant gerry-mandering again when the time comes and should not be surprised if they find themselves voting in a different constituency compared to the last election, assuming they get the chance to vote at all.  Read More →

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