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How HDB make Two Rounds of Profit from selling new flats

How HDB make Two Rounds of Profit from selling new flats

1   Fundamental Considerations 1.1  The HDB Flat Pricing Issue (i.e. how HDB prices its new flats)  is of concern to ALL Singaporeans --- even to those aspiring to own private property. WHY? Because if HDB flat prices are "sky-high", private property prices will naturally be "astronomically-high"! 1.2  The Close Link between... 

Update: Pre-Trial Conference for IMF loan case on 21 Aug

Update: Pre-Trial Conference for IMF loan case on 21 Aug

So, the pre-trial conference for my case to request a quashing order on the IMF loan listed for Tuesday morning, is now in the public arena. The AG has taken what I am told is an unusual step in ‘choping’ the 9:00 am slot. Apparently the more usual form or procedure is to turn up and get in line for a time slot. My guess... 

What Minister Yaacob Really Wants

What Minister Yaacob Really Wants

Dr Yaacob: "If you tell me I'm corrupt, I will tell you to justify it. If not, I'll see you in court." Apparently, Minister Yaacob Ibrahim had a fruitful afternoon addressing 800 secondary school children some afternoon ago. In the dialogue, he urged all netizens to come together to develop an internet code... 

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