Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
A stick-and-carrot approach to break out of the current minibond impasse

A stick-and-carrot approach to break out of the current minibond impasse

By Fang Zhi Yuan and Eugene Yeo It has been almost 2 months since the eruption of the minibond fiasco with an amicable solution acceptable to all parties becoming increasingly remote with each passing day. The troubled investors, some of whom have lost their entire savings from the purchase of these structure-linked products... 

Options fast running out for Singapore’s minibond investors

Options fast running out for Singapore’s minibond investors

By Fang Zhi Yuan, Chief Editor [youtube=] According to the CNA report above, Lehman brother minibond investors will know their options at the end of the month: one, whether restructuring of their investments is still a viable route or two, if they will be liquidated. Neither... 

When it comes to politics, competition is good

When it comes to politics, competition is good

By Fang Zhi Yuan, Chief Editor SPH journalists never fail to amaze me with their incredibly thick skin to profess themselves as the PAP spin doctors to the public without realizing what a fool they are making themselves out to be. Eugene Wee's desperate attempt to insult Singaporeans' intelligence by obsfucating "competitive... 

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