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Unethical electioneering practices must stop

Unethical electioneering practices must stop

There is a very sad letter I want you all to read. Time to move on, Hougang WHILE the rest of Singapore's estates are moving on with the upgrading and rebuilding of more facilities, Hougang seems to have remained the same for the past 20 years. The ward seems to be a sacrificial lamb in the Workers' Party's (WP) call for democracy... 

DPM Teo blames WP for Hougang by-election

DPM Teo blames WP for Hougang by-election

DPM Teo Chee Hean Singapore DPM Teo Chee Hean blames the Workers' Party (WP) for the way it handled the Yaw Shin Leong affair which directly led to Hougang by-election. Mr Teo talked about this at the first PAP rally for Hougang by-election on Sun (20 May). Mr Teo said WP has now put up another candidate, and its secretary-general... 

From attacking WP to attacking YSL so to make the BE local

From attacking WP to attacking YSL so to make the BE local

And also ‘you go low key, I also go low key’ to make it a local election. There is a strategic shift for the PAP in Hougang by-election.  Suddenly, they realise that even they have full coverage in the main stream media, there are after all only more than 23,000 voters in Hougang.  Only Hougang voters can vote in the BE. The... 

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