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Court reserves judgment on Hougang by-election

Court reserves judgment on Hougang by-election

Vellama Marie Muthu and her lawyer M Ravi asked the court to declare if the Prime Minister has the option to decide on the by-election and when it is held. (Yahoo! photo/Andrew Loh) Does the Prime Minister have the option whether to call a by-election, and does he also have the discretion to decide when to call one? These two... 

Hougang by-election: The Hand of Justice must be seen to prevail wisely

Hougang by-election: The Hand of Justice must be seen to prevail wisely

Hougang The PAP Government is not unknown to be wont to ride roughshod over opposition's entreties on matters of public interest and in this case the opposition's (and the public especially Hougang voters') request for a reasonably early date for the Hougang by-election occasioned by the vacation of the Parliamentary seat by... 

Court reserves judgment on Hougang by-election hearing

Court reserves judgment on Hougang by-election hearing

Hougang The High Court reserved judgement on an application by a resident for a by-election in Hougang, after lawyers from both sides presented their arguments in chambers on Friday (30 Mar). The hearing lasted almost three hours. Madam Vellama Marie Muthu filed the application on Mar 2. The application called for the grant... 

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