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Delay in Holding a By Election in Hougang is a Violation of Our Democratic Rights

Delay in Holding a By Election in Hougang is a Violation of Our Democratic Rights

We note the Prime Minister’s comments yesterday that he will consider carefully when to call a by-election for Hougang SMC and that this is because, “….there are many more important issues on the national agenda at the moment.” Democracy is The National Agenda and nothing can ever take precedence over that.  The people... 

SDP will not contest in an Hougang by-election

SDP will not contest in an Hougang by-election

TR Emeritus has received the following note from the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP): The Singapore Democratic Party's primary concern is that the constituency of Hougang remains in the hands of the opposition. It must not be re-captured by the PAP. This being the case, and if the circumstances remain the way they are, the... 

Foo Mee Har: If necessary, I will take steps to protect my rights

Foo Mee Har: If necessary, I will take steps to protect my rights

Member of Parliament Foo Mee Har has made a posting on her Facebook stating that "if it becomes necessary", she would "take steps to protect her rights". Presumably, she meant following the footsteps of Minister Shanmugam to send lawyer letters to netizens who spread rumours on politicians online. On 14 Feb, blogger Alex Au... 

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