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The Bitch Is Back!

The Bitch Is Back!

"WP's halo losing its shine" by Chua Lee Hoong, Political Editor, ST, Published on Feb 2, 2012. Since when does one put a halo on a political party? Call me naive but I thought halo only applies to saints or holy persons. Just to be sure, I checked the dictionary and found that "halo" also means "the aura of glory, veneration,... 

Local media slammed for sensationalizing rumours to generate readership

Local media slammed for sensationalizing rumours to generate readership

Mr Yaw Shin Leong (Photo: Yahoo! News) The wife of Workers’ Party (WP) Member of Parliament for Hougang Mr Yaw Shin Leong has slammed the local media for sensationalizing rumours to generate readership, supposedly in defense of her husband who was alleged to be involved in an extra-marital affair with a married female member... 

I am perturbed by recent parliamentary debate on ministers’ pay

I am perturbed by recent parliamentary debate on ministers’ pay

Like everyone of you all, I am very perturbed by the recent debate on the minister's salary in the parliament. At the end of the 3 days debate in Parliament, no concrete results are generated. The ruling party (PAP) adopts the committee review's proposal (or is it PAP's) & moves on as usual, case closed and buried deep down... 

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