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‘Real progress’ in ministeria​l pay debate

‘Real progress’ in ministeria​l pay debate

The 19 Jan 2012 Straits Times article "'Real progress' in ministerial pay debate" reported DPM Teo as saying that the review committee recommended a $46,750 starting salary for an entry-level minister with an annual typical package of $935,000. The actual review committee recommendation was: "A Minister at the MR4 grade (i.e.... 

Opposition MP Chen Show Mao beats PAP MPs on the use of social media

Opposition MP Chen Show Mao beats PAP MPs on the use of social media

The Straits Times Online recently conducted an online poll to determine which MP the netizens found most effective on social media. Altogether, some 811 netizens took part in the poll. The poll started on Monday (9th Jan) and ended at 12pm on Friday (13th Jan). Votes were counted by unique IP addresses, meaning only one vote... 

Defeated PAP candidate Desmond Choo wants PA to take over six sites from Hougang Town Council

Defeated PAP candidate Desmond Choo wants PA to take over six sites from Hougang Town Council

PAP losing candidate for Hougang Desmond Choo wants the People's Association (PA) to take over six sites currently managed by Hougang Town Council to "help" him reach out to more residents. Despite losing the May election to Workers Party's Yaw Shin Leong by quite an embarrassingly wide margin, Desmond Choo was appointed as... 

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